Honorary patron

Recognizing the importance of this exhibition, as well as the results achieved by Serbian exhibitors at world philatelic exhibitions, the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, accepted to be the sponsor of the BALKANFILA XIX exhibition.

President of The Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić
President of The Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić

“Dear Sir/Madam,

I am glad that the Union of Philatelists of Serbia is dedicated to preserving and nurturing the tradition of philately in our country.

The regional philatelic exhibition ”Balkanfila XIX” is an exceptional opportunity for Serbia and our capital city to attract a large number of exhibitors and tourists from the countries of the region, but also from the entire world.

International philatelic exhibitions in our country were held in 1977 in Belgrade and in 1987 in Novi Sad. In terms of organization and content, the exhibitions were among the best organized exhibitions of that time. Serbian philatelists continued to win awards and medals at philatelic exhibitions in our country and around the world.

Bearing in mind that the ”Balkanfila XIX” exhibition will be held in Serbia after more than thirty years, the support for this exhibition is not only symbolic, but aims to ensure that the achieved results of our country in the field of philately remain recorded and represent an incentive for future generations of Serbian philatelists.

Due to all of the aforementioned, I gladly accept to be a patron of the ”Balkanfila XIX” exhibition.”

Aleksandar Vučić

Letter of the President of the Republic of Serbia
Letter of the President of the Republic of Serbia